Dr. Francesco Stipo


Francesco Stipo was born in Rome, Italy in 1973. He studied law at the University "La Sapienza" where he won an Erasmus scholarship that allowed him to continue part of his studies in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. While living in Spain, he was the first person to cross the Strait of Gibraltar with a powered paraglider, on July 11, 1995. The event was reported by many Spanish newspapers such as ABC, Diario de Jerez, Europa Sur and Italian magazines like 'No Limits". According to Spanish newspaper Europa Sur, he crossed the Strait from Tarifa to Ceuta in less than one hour, followed by the Red Cross boat "Salvamar Tarifa", and landed on a street near the Port of Ceuta (Javier Navas/Efe, "El italiano Francesco Stipo cruzo' ayer el Estrecho de Gibraltar", Europa Sur, 12 July 1995, p. 43, available here: Europa Sur). In 1996 he won a scholarship from the Italian National Council of Research on the subject "juridical discipline of the outer space"; the thesis, which title was "La Definizione del Concetto Giuridico di Spazio Cosmico", was published in the Italian peer reviewed journal "Giurisprudenza di Merito". After obtaining a Ph.D. in International Law in 2001 he moved to the United States where he received a Master degree (LLM) in comparative law from the University of Miami. He is the author of the novel Il Mercante di Diamanti published in Italy in 2013 under the pseudonym Frank Stipo. Since 2002 he has been living in Miami, Florida. He has been working as a lawyer for European and American firms specializing in international business transactions. He fluently speaks 5 languages (English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French) and has traveled extensively around the world. Francesco Stipo is the President Emeritus of the United States Association of the Club of Rome. He was a member of the Club of Rome and President of the United States Association between 2011 and 2014. He published two books entitled: World Federalist Manifesto. Guide to Political Globalization, and United Nations Reorganization. The Unification of the U.N. System, and was a co-author of the USA Club of Rome report The Future of the Western Hemisphere. In March 2008, he was invited to speak at the United Nations on U.N. Reform. In April 2014, he addressed the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on global governance, with the President of the Centre for International Governance Innovation and the Vice President of the United Nations Foundation (see the above picture). He gave several public speeches on global governance to international organizations and think tanks such as the Organization of American States, Harvard University, and the East-West Center, and was interviewed on national television, radio and digital media. He published several articles on energy and foreign relations as a columnist for Newsmax. Dr. Stipo is a member of the National Press Club and the Pacific Council on International Policy. Between 2008 and 2012 he was Director of the India-U.S. Chamber of Commerce of Florida. In August 2012, at age 39, he was elected as a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS Certificate) for his contribution in the field of social sciences. In 2013 he wrote "The Global Challenges of the New Millennium", in which he called on world nations to cooperate to prevent global pandemics (this was 6 years before the coronavirus pandemic of 2019). The article was published by the World Academy of Art and Science. In June 2014, he was invited to join the Bretton Woods Committee, the network of prominent global citizens that supports the Bretton Woods Institutions (World Bank and International Monetary Fund). In 2016, he founded the Houston Energy Club, launching the Latin America Energy Forum, an annual conference featuring public officials from Latin America. In 2019 he was the recipient of the Albert Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.
Additional information with links to his speeches and articles can be found here.

Books by Francesco Stipo (World Federalist Manifesto)
(United Nations Reorganization)
(Balanced contribution theory)

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Stipo, Francesco "Francesco Stipo Biography http://www.worldfederalistmanifesto.com/authorbiography.html (September 27, 2009).
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